The two-time Oscar winner shared behind-the-scenes stories from her career at the Toronto International Film Festival's 'In Conversation With...
' series Getty;Shutterstock Out of all the movies has made over the past few decades, stands out as a particularly memorable experience. The two-time Oscar winner, 55, opened up about her career at the ’s ‘In Conversation With..
.’ series on Sunday, Sept. 8.
In front of an audience at the Royal Alexandra Theater during her 90-minute talk with moderator TIFF CEO Cameron Bailey, Blanchett fondly recalled filming the 1999 thriller. "It was one of my best jobs," she said of the movie based on the Patricia Highsmith novel. The story centers around Tom Ripley (Matt Damon) a murderous con artist who worms his way into the life of the wealthy Dickey Greenleaf (Jude Law) and Dickey's girlfriend Marge Sherwood (Gwyneth Paltrow).
Related: Blanchett had a supporting role as Meredith, a socialite who thinks Ripley is Dickey because he has lied about his identity. The late Philip Seymour Hoffman played Freddie, a friend of Dickey's who's suspicious of Ripley. Phil Bray/Paramount/Miramax/Kobal/Shutterstock The movie was largely set in Italy, and filming took place there, too.
"It was such a great — I had the best summer with Philip Seymour Hoffman...
we went to a place called Fashion Pizza. We ate lots of pizza. And I got Matt's fabulous apartment because he needed to be in the Four Seasons training every day whereas I got to luxuriate," she .