
A geographically diverse region teeming with high-quality seafood from its vast coastline and game, fresh truffles and a host of wild mushrooms from the Pyrenees mountains, Catalan cuisine is famous for its Calçots (large sweet spring onions), which are roasted over hot coals and dipped in spicy romesco sauce as well as unusual combinations of meat and seafood known as mar i muntanya – the local equivalent of surf 'n' turf...

but it also shares many similarities to our local food here in the Balearics with dishes such as Coca, pa amb tomàquet – toasted bread rubbed with tomato, olive oil, garlic and salt that is known as Pa amb oli here in Mallorca and bacalao a la catalana -Salt cod with pine nuts, raisins and tomatoes that we simply call “Bacalao a la Mallorquina”. Some of my favourite dishes from the region include Esqueixada , occasionally described as the "Catalan ceviche”. Esqueixada is a traditional salad of shredded salt cod, tomatoes, olives, onions, olive oil and vinegar.

It’s the perfect dish for long, hot summer days in the Spanish sun along with Escalivada, a delicious speciality of roasted peppers with onions, garlic and olive oil that is often found in local restaurant here on the Island. Traditional desserts include crema Catalana, a delectable version of crème brûlée and the simply exquisite mel i mató with honey and fresh cream cheese but if you are looking for something a little more substantial, then Escudella d’Olla, a hearty Cat.

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