
Friday, August 16, 2024 The Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA), in collaboration with the CHTA Education Foundation (CHTAEF), has launched a Hurricane Relief Auction to rally global support for Caribbean hospitality workers affected by Hurricane Beryl’s recent destruction. This initiative provides a meaningful way for people worldwide to contribute to the recovery efforts, helping communities rebuild and regain stability. The Hurricane Relief Auction, running until August 25, 2024, at 4 PM, offers exclusive hotel stays in breathtaking Caribbean destinations such as Antigua, Aruba, the Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, St.

Kitts, St. Lucia, Turks & Caicos, and the U.S.

Virgin Islands. For a chance to participate and support the cause, you can explore the full catalog and place your bids on the Hurricane Relief Auction website. Vanessa Ledesma, Acting CEO and Director General of CHTA, emphasized the initiative’s importance: “In times of crisis, the spirit of solidarity and support can make a profound difference.

This auction not only provides essential aid to those affected but also serves as a reminder of the global community’s ability to come together for a common cause.” Karolin Troubetzkoy, Chair of CHTAEF, added: “As we mobilize support through this auction, remember that every bid not only aids recovery but also fuels hope among those hit hardest by the hurricane.” In early July, Hurricane Beryl struck, leaving a trail of devastation across the Grenadines islands and the South Coast of Jamaica.

The impact has been severe, with many hospitality workers and their families now in dire need of immediate aid. The Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association Education Foundation (CHTAEF) plays a crucial role in the region’s recovery efforts. Dedicated to fostering the growth of Caribbean hospitality professionals, the foundation focuses on providing education and training initiatives that empower individuals with the skills and resources needed to thrive.

By supporting these efforts, CHTAEF is helping to rebuild and strengthen the Caribbean’s tourism sector during these challenging times..

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