
The rules of getting ahead at work have become more complex, and that may be especially daunting for people just starting their careers. Young professionals may need to build relationships with their supervisors and colleagues over Zoom and Slack. They might debate whether to use artificial intelligence for certain tasks.

And they might have to fight the urge to message someone over meeting them in person. The evolving world of work since the pandemic has changed how people operate, with some doing their jobs in hybrid and remote environments, having access to AI and relying on videoconferencing and instant messaging. Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2012 , is expected to make up more than 32% of the workforce by 2032 , according to the United States Bureau of Labour Statistics, with the latest group of graduates entering the workforce now.

Many of them missed out on in-person opportunities, including internships. As they enter the workforce, there are some things they can do to improve their chances of success..

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