
When it comes to storm damage, it's not all about electricity and power failures. Many homeowners have to deal with fallen trees and fences, while high winds and falling debris may damage household items or roofs. According to the Met Office website, weather warnings are reserved for "very dangerous" conditions with a "high level of certainty".

When the organisation releases these, residents are advised to take action to keep themselves and others safe as there is a "risk to life". #StormLillian took our oak tree, hens survived..

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com/TH7nmLt26t — David Banks (@DBanksy) August 23, 2024 Can I claim for storm damage on my house? Thankfully, home insurance, commercial business policies and comprehensive motor insurance all cover damage caused by storms . Although most insurers will cover financial loss caused by storm damage , some home insurance policies vary in what they regard as a "storm", so it is important to be aware of their definitions. While the categorisations of a storm vary from company to company, the Association of British Insurers categorises a storm as the following: Wind speeds of 55mph and over Rainfall of at least 25mm per hour Snow at least as deep as one foot Hail that causes damage to hard surfaces and glass Even within these parameters, there might be some exceptions to what you can get paid out on.

Fences, for example, are often excluded as they are at such a high risk of damage during strong winds. Laura Hughes, manager of general insurance at the Association of British Insurers (ABI), said: “When bad weather hits , their priority is always to help their affected customers recover as quickly as possible – from making emergency payments, arranging any temporary emergency accommodation, to getting the damage repaired. "If you suffer damage to your property, contact your insurer as soon as you can for help and advice.

” The moment a lorry almost topples over on the Humber Bridge during Storm Lillian. Read more: https://t.co/jsPI6zfqd5 pic.

twitter.com/YUse232aKj — BBC Humberside (@RadioHumberside) August 23, 2024 Power losses If you've lost power in your home as a result of a storm or bad weather, electricity suppliers typically have 24 hours to restore your connection. When it comes to abnormal cases such as storms, this deadline can be moved to 48 hours, allowing energy suppliers more time to send out repair teams.

Consumer advice service Which? says compensation varies by the amount of power cut cases reported to suppliers over 24 hours..

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