
The stranglehold that investor-owned utilities have on the Public Utilities Commission must end. Investor-owned Southern California Edison and other companies have done everything they can to end residential rooftop solar in California. They answer to their investors, not their ratepayers.

They have changed the reimbursement rate structure, changed “peak hours” and generally made it economically unfeasible for homeowners to have rooftop solar. For those of us in the desert, air conditioning is not a luxury. It is a life-or-death necessity.

Summer rates are higher, while our use, especially in this long “heat wave” has skyrocketed. Edison changed their peak rates in 2019 to be later in the day, after the sun is setting, thereby reducing the financial benefits of rooftop solar and increasing utility rates for after sunset. This has now forced rooftop solar to require battery backup thereby vastly increasing the cost.

These changes have adversely impacted rooftop solar providers and resulted in a significant loss of jobs. We must ask Gov. Newsom – if California is to go “green,” why allow the investor-owned utilities to continue this stranglehold? Investor-owned utilities should no longer profit on the backs of ratepayers who use air conditioning to survive.

Yet again, Rep. shows us how wrong he is representing the desert communities. In case you missed it, the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency, was again threatened with deep cuts in its annual appropriation.

Calvert, voted with his MAGA cohort “aye” on drastic cuts. Thankfully, the amendment to cut funding for the NEH lost. NEH supports advancement in our knowledge and understanding of history and builds a society of critical thinkers.

Ask yourself why Calvert might not prioritize a citizenry of critical thinkers. In our district both Palm Springs Art Museum and Agua Caliente Cultural Museum have benefited from NEH grants. Calvert has held this 41st District seat for decades and it is time for change.

Calvert does not represent the values of the desert. He needs to go. Our family is supporting Will Rollins for Congress.

Kerry Berman’s July 28 letter to the editor truly exactly what every American should want for our country and for what our next president should want. Well said, Kerry. Contrary to what Ms.

Bivinetto indicates in her July 28 letter to the editor, “A sad day for America,” The Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity actually will change little to nothing from how things were handled since the Constitution was written. The ruling simply clarified what has generally been accepted for years. Presidents must have immunity from prosecution over actions relating to the core powers of their office.

Otherwise, a president would have to be unreasonably constrained in their decision making, constantly looking over their shoulder out of concern about legal liability. This would essentially make the job impossible. Presidents do not have the authority to “define” their core powers.

There are many checks and balances on the powers of elected officials thanks to the way our founders set up our government and as written into the Constitution. As far as Trump wanting to become a “dictator,” one only has to look at his previous term. The world was at peace, we had a secure southern border and inflation was low, etc.

If he is elected again, I expect he will reinstate some of the executive orders Biden rescinded and rescind some of Biden's. SCOTUS got it right. I am writing to add my voice in support of the letter from Garth Gilpin entitled, "The public deserves a say so in the PS airport expansion.

" None of the negative impacts on the quality of life of Palm Springs residents have been addressed for an expansion of this size. These impacts include: increased traffic congestion, the noise from many more flights per day and aesthetic degradation of our current historically designated airport, and becoming even more of a transportation hub for the entire valley when alternative sites are available, i.e.

, Thermal, Cochran Regional, or a new site within the valley. The Palm Springs Airport Commission does not seem to view quality of life as an important factor in decision-making; at least it is not included in any forthcoming information. For those of us who love Palm Springs and life here, this is a game changer – not a peripheral issue.

The spirit of the current Paris Olympics is to unite the world in a time of strife and war. The Games illustrate the power of joy and pride. Of integrity and hope.

Of accomplishments and preparations. Of reward for hard work focused on doing well and promoting faith and goodness. Which brings me to plea to a local Coachella Valley organization based in La Quinta called something like the Women Federated Republican Patriots.

There is no joy or pride in Donald Trump's candidacy. There is no decency in his erratic, evil, narcissistic behavior or how he treats people, and especially his horrible record of how he treats women. I am asking the local club to denounce and reject your party's presidential candidate.

I am hoping your organization promotes strong women and pride in being a woman, and am asking you to break with your party and support Kamala Harris for president, Lisa Middleton for state senate and Christy Holstege for state assembly – as well as other strong women in politics who promote helping people and goodness in the spirit of the Olympic Games..

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