
I know you’re going to make fun of me, so let’s just get this over with. I bought art on a cruise ship. OK, laugh.

While gallery owners and art appraisers will mock you for this, you could do worse. My husband and I faced an unusual situation at our house: a blank wall. I had moved some art around leaving a glaringly empty wall in the entryway.

This wouldn’t normally be a problem, but DC and I have different tastes and different philosophies about acquiring art. I like to buy art from local artists. He likes art from “known” artists.

We also both work, so don’t have the luxury of strolling through art galleries or going to art auctions at Sotheby’s. If, while out on my own, I see a piece I like, chances of getting him to see it are slim and chances he’ll like it even slimmer. So, the wall stayed bare.

“We’ll look on our cruise,” DC said a couple months back, referring to a long-planned vacation coming up. I sighed. He’s a bigger fan of cruises.

The thought of these oversized ships with their central parks, ice rinks, massive buffets and free-flowing alcohol used to make me want to climb into a tent with a granola bar and read a book by flashlight. But he convinced me to try. I have come around.

And that’s marriage. He has also convinced me to attend the ship’s art auctions, which I used to think were cheesy because, in fact, some of the art for sale is cheesy, like the kind where two olives hold hands and dance in a martini glass. This isn’t a judgment.

It’s simply a fact. Park West, the company that runs art auctions for many cruise lines, knows what its cruising customers like. The organizers also know that when vacationers are out to sea with all their cares on a distant shore, they are primed to splurge.

These mates hold a glass of champagne in one hand and a numbered paddle in the other. They sit on velvet chairs in a room with others in the same boat, literally. Next, a fast-talking auctioneer unveils artworks on stage, extols the virtues of the artist and the piece and explains why you must that minute become its owner.

Numbers and money (from $50 to five-figures) fly. Gavels bang. And next thing you know, someone is going home with a signed, numbered, framed Salvador Dali.

It’s crazy. But I’ve decided if my husband and his wallet are open to buying art on a ship, I’m on board. We agreed on this.

We wanted a contemporary, preferably original work, about 30 inches by 40 inches with blues and oranges, a water motif since we live in Florida and, oh, in our budget. Although the chances of finding a piece that hit that sweet spot was as likely as finding a casino on Mars, we told the auctioneer what we were looking for. He opened his laptop and pulled up several works on the ship, including one from a rising Florida artist that miraculously checked all our boxes.

He showed us the actual piece and price. We researched the artist online to find out what his pieces sold for. The opening bid for the framed original was much lower.

“Sailing at Dawn” is on its way to our home. The whole experience made me realize I needed a fine-art refresher. Whether on land or sea, the uninitiated can quickly get into deep water buying art.

Back home, I called fine art appraiser Susan Filebark, of Vero Beach, Fla. Filebark learned her craft from her mother, who appraised art for museums, and had as one of her maxims: “Never buy art on a cruise ship!” We got that laugh out of the way. Then she helped me break down what affects art value, so if you ever find yourself with a paddle in one hand and champagne in the other, you’ll be ready.

“If you want to buy art by a certain artist,” Filebark said, “look in the secondhand market. Watch for works to come up at art auctions or find the artist and buy direct from his studio.” Galleries are also an option.

Or, if you like having a wide selection, a choice of frames, the cost of shipping included, and free champagne, check your snobbishness at the door and consider buying art on a cruise ship. Marni Jameson is the author of seven books including the newly released “ Rightsize Today to Create Your Best Life Tomorrow, ” “ What to Do With Everything You Own to Leave the Legacy You Want ” and “ Downsizing the Family Home .” You may reach her at marnijameson.

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