A 27-year-old businessman recently fall victim to a part-time job scam that cost him Rs 57.75 lakh. It all started on August 16, when the businessman received a message on Telegram from a woman named Ansuya.
She promised him an easy part-time job that would pay Rs 4,650 for just three hours of online work each day. In today’s digital age, many people are on the lookout for easy ways to earn money online. But unfortunately, not all opportunities are as legitimate as they seem.
A 27-year-old businessman from the electrical poles industry recently found this out the hard way after falling victim to a part-time job scam that cost him Rs 57.75 lakh. It all started on August 16, when the businessman received a message on Telegram from a woman named Ansuya.
She promised him an easy part-time job that would pay Rs 4,650 for just three hours of online work each day. The offer seemed too good to pass up, so he decided to give it a try. Two days later, another woman named Abhinaya reached out to him, claiming to be associated with a company called ‘Mango Fashion.
’ She convinced him to register on their platform, where he was credited with a Rs 10,000 bonus in his digital wallet. As he completed tasks, his wallet balance grew, which made him believe the opportunity was genuine. Also read: Received call from RBI about bank account blocking? Govt says it’s fake Encouraged by the increasing balance, Abhinaya pushed him to invest further in Mango Fashion, promising even higher return.