Name of business: K’nees Florists Proprietor: Trisha Engle Type of business: Florist/Gifts Business address: 1829 15th St. Pl., Moline Business phone: 309-764-7479.
Business hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.
m. and Saturday, 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. Business website or social media web address: @kneesflorists ( Facebook / Instagram ) kneesflorists.
com Business email: [email protected] When did the business open? 1886, by Wilhem Knees. He immigrated from Germany and was the gardener for John Deere (the person!).
He opened K’nees in 1886 and moved to our current location in 1901. Is this your first business? Yes. What is the history of your business: K’nees was owned and operated by three generations of the K’nees family until the early 1990s.
I am the 5th owner. How has your business evolved since its inception? K’nees has been a Quad-Cities staple for 138 years, probably one of the longest running businesses. We used to have five locations, but in the early 2000s they sized down due to a few factors.
One being the internet. People have the ability to shop online, rather than in store, and there was no need for multiple brick and mortars in the Quad-Cities. It helped to streamline the business.
The other factor was a large grocery store chain that came into the Quad-Cities and undercut the small businesses, making it easier for people to buy their groceries and flowers at the same time. However, K’nees is still the largest florist in the Quad-Cities. We ha.