
Bungie knows there are a lot of Destiny 2 players who had their in-game names changed against their will, but it’s not sure when a fix will arrive for everyone. The Destiny developer acknowledged concerns in . Although it has implemented a server-wide fix to ensure no one else will be affected, it’s unclear when players will be able to change their names back.

For now, Bungie simply says that the hiccup impacted a “high number” of accounts. “We are continuing to investigate options to address player accounts that were impacted,” Bungie said. “This will take some time as our path forward will be dependent on fixing the underlying issue.

” We are continuing to investigate options to address player accounts that were impacted. This will take some time as our path forward will be dependent on fixing the underlying issue.— Destiny 2 Team (@Destiny2Team) Although Bungie has maintained that it has the power to alter player names if they violate , many players were that says their name was changed because they are either logging in for the first time or have recently changed their Bungie name.

It’s a message that even some longtime players have reported despite neither condition being applicable, with everyone affected being renamed to some variation of “Guardian” followed by a string of random numbers. Complaints about the issue has flooded the as players scramble to find out why their name was changed and how to fix it. There are games where changing a player’s name is simple – Destiny is not one of them.

A Bungie.net name can only be altered once following an account’s creation, with tokens required for any subsequent changes. Thankfully, Bungie does promise to deliver name-change tokens to all players “at a later date.

” No additional information was shared, so if you see a lot of names like Guardian2804 running around in the near future, now you know why. The Destiny 2 Servers are so messed up they took my Name away from me lmao — KackisHD (@RickKackis) In other Destiny news, Bungie announced that it would . It’s a decision that had fans questioning the franchise’s future as emerged shortly after.

Bungie was quick to chime in, saying last week that it and would have more to share soon..

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