The new year brings with it all sorts of opportunity and possibility, time to reflect and a natural moment to attempt improvements in many ways – which, for many people, has to do with money . It can seem easier said than done to shore up one’s financial situation , but the great news is that it doesn’t have to be difficult, complex or even take a long time to really set yourself up for being in a better place. Here we’re going to break down absolutely everything you need to work out for your own personal budget for 2025, including how you can be more secure in your money situation for the future.
Choose whatever method of notetaking works best for you. That might be an app, perhaps a spreadsheet, maybe even just writing it down on paper. Additionally, you’ll want access to your bank statements, including where you get money paid into and where you spend it from, if they are different.
This is the first thing to check – it’s surprising how many people don’t know exactly what they have coming in and when. Everybody is different, so make sure you check your own boxes. For some, this is a simple salary payment every month, from the same employer, at the same time.
But for freelancers this can mean checking multiple money arrivals, while self-employed people may get a salary, dividends or a combination of both from their companies. Add in government support, rental payments, child payments, jobseeker’s allowance and other credit types and there may be more than .