
Friendsgiving is a fun, flexible way to gather with friends before the hustle and bustle of the holidays. But with the rising food prices, not to mention other holiday expenses, hosting can seem out of reach. Discover simple, budget-friendly hacks, from affordable menu ideas to DIY decor, to help throw an unforgettable Friendsgiving without breaking the bank.

Friendsgiving is a twist on the traditional Thanksgiving celebration, when friends, rather than family, come together to share a holiday meal, typically in the weeks before or after Thanksgiving Day. It has come to represent a sense of community and connection, emphasizing shared experiences rather than the formality of a traditional family holiday. According to , Friendsgiving first appeared around 2007 in posts on the internet to describe an informal gathering of friends during the Thanksgiving season.

It gained momentum in the late 2000s with lifestyle articles and a 2011 Bailey’s Irish Cream ad campaign. By 2020, Merriam-Webster added the word to their dictionary, defining it as “a celebration or meal shared among friends on or near Thanksgiving Day.” Planning is key to hosting a memorable Friendsgiving without overspending.

Set financial boundaries, organize ahead of time and encourage guests to contribute. With a little preparation, you can create a festive, enjoyable gathering that everyone will remember. The key to hosting a cost-effective Friendsgiving is setting a sensible budget and tracking your spendin.

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