
The ranking was based on a special concept. Budapest has been ranked seventh among the ten most beautiful cities in the world, and fourth among capitals, the Hungarian Metropol paper reported. This year, the United Kingdom's Online Mortgage Advisor website has once again taken a special approach to ranking the world's most beautiful cities.

The UK global ranking is based on how many buildings in a given city match the golden ratio. This means that the buildings create a balanced and harmonious overall picture with the beauties of nature. According to this scoring, nine of the ten most beautiful cities in the world are located in Europe.

Surprisingly, Bordeaux is ahead of Paris and no UK city made it to the top ten. Italy tops the global ranking The gold medal went to Venice. The Italian city with its winding canals and eclectic architecture won the contest.

According to the beauty scoring, more than 83 percent of the buildings in Venice match the golden ratio. From this point of view, it is not so surprising that the city, which attracts around five million tourists every year, has imposed a tourist tax on visitors this year. With a beauty score of 82 percent, Italy also took the silver medal, with Rome winning the "special competition" between the capitals.

Behind Rome, Barcelona made it onto the podium, scoring just one percentage point lower than the Eternal City. The fourth place went to another capital, Prague, while the fifth most beautiful city according to the British ranking was New York, the only non-European city in the top ten. Budapest at the forefront Budapest's architecture was ranked seventh.

Hungary's capital was overtaken by the Greek capital, Athens, in the sixth place. This also means that Budapest takes the prestigious fourth place in the ranking of capitals, which is a very good result in global comparison. Hungary's capital was ranked ahead of neighboring Austria's capital, Vienna, which came eighth.

Bordeaux took the ninth place, which is a big surprise considering that it scored better than the French capital, Paris, which only came 12th in this ranking. Milan also made the top ten, meaning that the Italians boast three cities among the world's most beautiful ones. Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe) A téma legfrissebb hírei Small, Frail 63-Year-Old Woman Arrested for Drug Dealing The woman was reportedly apprehended by hooded police officers wearing vests, who arrived in a minibus at her home.

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