
There have been riots all summer in the United Kingdom by pro-Palestinian Muslim immigrants. But as we reported, Prime Minister Keir Starmer got serious when there was a riot by "far-right" white native Britons over the stabbing deaths of three little girls under the age of 10 at a Taylor Swift-themed dance camp. Riots in the English city of Southport due to the murder of three little girls.

💔 The Muslim killer slaughtered the girls with a knife and injured several other girls. When will the world understand that there is a GLOBAL MUSLIM JIHADIC WAR and that everything that is going on..

. pic.twitter.

com/JNokbL8ydy Suddenly, "mostly peaceful protests" were a no-no. This is not protest, it is pure violence. We will have a standing army of public duty officers.

We will ramp up criminal justice. We will apply criminal law online as well as offline. We will not tolerate attacks on mosques or on Muslim communities.

pic.twitter.com/C1SmjJjo4R U.

K. Secretary of State Yvette Cooper said "far-right" protestors would “pay the price — imprisonment, travel bans, and more.” Meanwhile, British police are arresting people for "offensive" and "obscene" anti-migrant Facebook posts.

Not for rioting, but for posting on Facebook. Journalist Peter Imanuelsen says a British prosecutor is now talking about EXTRADITING social media influencers who say mean things about their Muslim newcomers. The British government is now threatening to EXTRADITE social media influencers abroad that they deem play a role in the riots and charge them with terr*rism.

Please, Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please https://t.co/JiktclQ2ne They are completely losing the narrative and behaving like a delusional dictatorship..

. This is pure censorship and dictatorial behavior! Does that include radical Islamists As we showed you Monday, this is the lovely British town of Birmingham: This is Birmingham. Coming soon to every city in the UK as mass migration continues.

pic.twitter.com/kvv8nyP2XO That should be interesting because serious countries won’t extradite for actions that aren't a crime in their own country.

America has the 1st Amendment. I can’t see Americans being extradited to our prison island. For inciting riots overseas over social media.

Even the most evil regimes in history never threatened to extradite critics of their regime to stand trial; Kier Starmer is not the biggest tyrant in the Western World, leaving Trudeau in the dust. Desperate to control the flow of information so no one sees the truth The British government can extradite deez nuts. You mean citizens from other countries that are not beholden to any of their laws? Or citizens that are abroad that are not beholden to their laws because they’re doing whatever they’re doing in a sovereign jurisdiction? Didn’t we win a war or something- They already tried to be tyrannical with Americans once, they don't want to try that again.

We never gave up our rights. How would that work I wonder? Here in Texas everyone carries, are they going to show on our doorstep with their little batons and try to arrest us for mean tweets? Just a thought..

. pic.twitter.

com/OdVUGBKFP9 Maybe, the British government ought to do more to protect its own citizens and not allow them to become victims to immigrant violence. They're probably looking for Tommy Robinson in whichever country he's currently speaking. But still, the idea is ludicrous — being charged with terrorism over a social media post.


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