
Who and where : From left Nancy Hofheinz of St. Louis, Maria Carson of Ballwin, Pam Camello of University City and Barbara Robinson of Maryland Heights at Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina. The trip: After staying with local people during home visits in Salvador (in Bahia, Brazil) and Sao Paulo arranged through Friendship Force International, the group went on to Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina.

Travel tip : “This is the best way to travel — staying with local people and seeing what life is really like in their hometowns. My tip is to check out Friendship Force and join our local club.” Contribute : Email your photo to stlpost@gmail.

com . Include the full names of everyone in the photo, including where they are from and where you are standing in the photo. Also include your address and phone number.

Please also tell us a little about the trip and a travel tip. We’re looking for interesting, well-composed, well-lighted photos..

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