
I have become a borderline news junkie. It is not healthy, but it is a current reality. Rehab is certainly needed but at the moment I as did Amy Winehouse in her song said "no".

The intensity and significance of this national hour with global significance compels me to stay as woke as possible. I confess that my consumption with the news is approached very much as my mom approached that red pail of chitlins as I was growing up. The smell was not good and only after you picked them clean you could enjoy them.

Ignorance and presumption are not permissible in this day I watch and in this season that carries with it a well engaged day, Halloween, I reflect on the coming election day. Not long after it we must make a monumental choice between two candidates that may impact the trajectory of this nation for decades to come. On the ballot are not only two names but two offerings.

Democracy stands awaiting notice as to whether it will retain standing in the United States or become subservient to authoritarianism. Will the "United" that has always been the power behind our states have its letters rearranged to become the "Untied?" As we approach the door of destiny will there be a trick or a treat? Unfortunately we have develop a taste for lean chitlins. Conspiracy theories, demonizing, denial of truth and division have become fashionable.

Corruption is covered by those whom seek to perfume stench and political posture and power are worthy assets to pimp oneself for. Recent claims of .

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