A bride who went viral for posting a clip of her and her groom making their big entrance to an empty wedding reception after her guests failed to show has defended herself online. Kalina Marie responded to cruel commenters who speculated she "must be such a horrible person" that no one showed up. Marie and her husband Shane had expected crowds of beaming faces when they planned their wedding but the video, posted on Tiktok , shows the doors opening and their grand entrance as newlyweds onto an almost empty venue.
"POV: You planned the most beautiful entrance. Just to open the doors to an empty venue," she wrote on the TikTok video, which has earned more than 9 million views after it went viral earlier this week. “FIVE PEOPLE SHOWED UP!!!!!!! Like, are you kidding me!?!?” Marie continued.
“As you see in the video, we enter the venue. And no one is there. The invite said 1pm.
My mum messaged me at 1:15pm that no one was there. My husband and I finally showed up at 2 o’clock, to five people, in a venue planned for 40.” Following the video making headlines around the world , Marie posted an update, giving more info on the situation.
She said the couple, who have been together for nine years and announced their wedding date in January. She explained invites had gone out and around 40 people had RSVPd and they did not understand why nobody showed up to the event. "I checked in with everyone the week of, and at least 20 people had gotten back to me saying that they had an .