
The Houthis of Yemen are Iran's proxy against Saudi Arabia and Israel. They are most recently known as the terrorist group attacking shipping in the gulf . Today they were the recipients of a devastating retaliatory strike in response to the Yemeni drone attack on Israel which killed one and wounded ten.

. BREAKING: 2 days ago, the Houthis in Yemen carried out their first ever deadly drone attack against Israel. Now, Israel has answered with their first ever missile strikes against the Houthis.

The largest port of Yemen is now completely engulfed in flames. pic.twitter.

com/qajK442Sk9 Would you be surprised to learn that Biden Administration incompetence contributed to this situation? President Trump designated the Houthis a terrorist group , which "raised concern" with the UN because of course it did. So naturally, President Obama Biden made undoing it one of his early priorities. Looks like the strike is being cheered on by anti-Islamists, Israelis and others sick of the terrorism.

So we expect that Western university students and faculty will be condemning it any second now. Why do they always look like this? 🤔 pic.twitter.

com/SA5DgtQe3e For illustrative purposes only. Do not attempt this at home. Congratulations, humanity, including Muslims, Arabs, and the people of Yemen, on celebrating the bombing of Houthi terrorists.

#Israel 's response at Al-Hudaydah port is strong and resolute, defending its diverse citizens (Jews, Druze, Muslims, and Christians) in Tel Aviv, who...

pic.twitter.com/OilQcIWbP1 Huge explosion moments ago in Houthi controlled al-Hudaydah, Yemen.

Several secondary explosions can be seen. pic.twitter.

com/4w8MZC1nRb We don't know how reliable Intel Crab or crabs in general are as news sources, but we're including it with that caveat. Israel is responding the way that normal countries responded to attacks before so much of the west adopted the Ben Rhodes approach of kissing the ass of, and shipping pallets of cash to, the people trying to kill you. https://t.

co/tyuAjv8q2m November can't come soon enough. Two nights ago, Yemen hit Tel Aviv with a suicide drone. Today, we gave them our reply.

The entire port was hit. Everything is up in flames. We will show all our enemies that enough is enough.

pic.twitter.com/DiPXLFK6Bq Dear Houthis, when you attack Israel, don’t be surprised when this happens to Yemen! XOXO from Tel Aviv.

pic.twitter.com/aqEi2Pp1jE So much FAFO energy here.

American official: Israel is the country bombing Yemen right now. We are approaching levels of FAFO not before seen. pic.

twitter.com/RKOr1Gu2vp Yes, we just said that. For the last 9 month the Houthis were attacking Israel with 220+ Cruise missiles and drones.

After Friday’s attack on Tel Aviv, when for the first time the Houthis killed an Israeli citizen, we struck back. Today we said- enough is enough. Pics: 🇮🇱 F15 on their way to Yemen pic.

twitter.com/fG2cH8WYtB Prediction: Israel will receive condemnation from all the usual sources - the UN, socialists and the EU (same thing). There will be a mealy-mouthed statement from Biden flaks expressing support for Israel with a healthy dollop of both-sideisms.

If we're lucky, however, there will be a pause in Houthi aggression. *** Editor's Note: Do you enjoy Twitchy 's conservative reporting taking on the radical left and woke media? Support our work so that we can continue to bring you the truth. Join Twitchy VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 50% off your VIP membership!.

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