Acclaimed actor Boman Irani donned the director's cap for the first time for his drama, "The Mehta Boys". The highly-anticipated film will be premiered on Prime Video on 7th February 2025. Mumbai: Acclaimed actor Boman Irani donned the director's cap for the first time for his drama, "The Mehta Boys".
The highly-anticipated film will be premiered on Prime Video on 7th February 2025. The project will stream in over 240 countries and territories worldwide in multiple languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. "The Mehta Boys" narrates the tale of a father and son duo who are continuously at odds with each other, however, they are forced to spend 48 hours together under unforeseen circumstances.
Talking about his directorial debut, Boman Irani was quoted saying, “Bringing The Mehta Boys to life has been an immensely rewarding and fulfilling journey,” said Boman Irani. “As an actor, I have always been fascinated by the power of storytelling, and this project gave me the opportunity to explore a completely new creative avenue as a filmmaker. To me, the intricate bond between a parent and a child has always been intriguing – their dynamics are raw, relatable, and, most importantly, deeply human.
I couldn’t have asked for a more compelling story or a better team. With Alexander Dinelaris’ unique perspective shaping the narrative, the incredible performances of Avinash, Shreya, and Puja breathing life into the characters, and Prime Video’s unwaver.