
New body cam footage shows the moment a white police officer in Illinois shot and killed a Black woman named Sonya Massey ...

who actually called 911 for help. The footage was released by authorities in Springfield, IL Monday -- which depicts Sangamon County Sheriff's Deputy Sean Grayson facing off with Massey earlier this month after she called the cops over suspicions of a prowler near her home. In the video .

.. you see Grayson and his partner in Massey's house, where they're asking her to provide her ID -- and eventually, they tell her to get a boiling pot of water off the stove.

In response, she tells the officers she'll "rebuke [him] in the name of Jesus" -- which prompts a strong response from Grayson, who says ...

"You better f***ing not, I swear to God I’ll f***ing shoot you right in your f***ing face," suggesting he perceived a threat from her. Grayson draws his weapon and points it Massey -- which prompts her to duck on the ground ..

. at which point Grayson opens fire on her. Grayson's partner suggests grabbing a medical kit, but SG shuts that down -- noting there's nothing to be done since it's a head wound.

Upon realizing Massey is still breathing, Grayson relents and says he'll get his medical kit ...

but the lifesaving efforts were unsuccessful. Grayson defends his decision to shoot -- saying he didn't know what else to do ..

. not wanting to take hot water to the face. His assumption .

.. she was going to chuck the water.

In the aftermath of this, Grayson was fired and is now facing charges of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and official misconduct. He has pleaded not guilty. There's been widespread outcry over this -- with many pointing to the racial dynamics at play -- and President Biden has even condemned the shooting, speaking out on behalf of Massey and her family .

.. who 46 says deserves justice.

Massey was only 36..

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