
After battling a shocking cancer diagnosis and treatment, the Blues playmaker and his partner say they’re stronger than ever. Blues rugby star Cameron Suafoa couldn’t have a wider grin on his face as he places a strong arm around his partner of seven years, Britt Hastings-Kutty, while simultaneously trying to wrangle their beloved pooch, Arlo, into the frame for the Woman’s Day photographer. Emerging from almost a year of a hellish cancer battle — one that could have cost Cameron, 26, his life — the future for the up-and-coming rugby hardman couldn’t look more different as he relishes his post-cancer era.

“Everything has changed,” he enthuses. “Before the cancer, rugby used to kind of rule my life — everything revolved around it. When I wouldn’t make a team or played a bad game, it would eat me up.

Now everything is different. I’m just so happy to be here.”.

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