Grant, a designer originally from Scotland, founded the company in 2016 and also appears as a judge on the BBC reality show. In this year’s Christmas celebrity special, Grant and fellow judge Esme Young will put the sewing skills of four celebrities to the test. This will include English actress Kellie Bright, 48, who stars as Linda Carter in the BBC soap opera EastEnders, for which she won the 2015 British Soap Award for Best Actress and Best Dramatic Performance, Welsh singer and actor Ian ‘H’ Watkins, 48, who best known as one-fifth of Steps, British comedian and writer Fatiha El-Ghorri, 43, who recently starred in the Sky Max comedy Mr.
Bigstuff with Danny Dyer, and English television personality Charlotte Crosby, 34, who is known for appearing in the MTV reality series Geordie Shore and winning the 12th series of Celebrity Big Brother. Judges Esme Young and Patrick Grant (Image: BBC/Love Productions/Neil Sherwood) They will put their twist on a pattern for an advent calendar, and turn onesies into a fun Christmas costume for a child in the transformation challenge –where the sewers are tasked with upcycling and overhauling old garments into something radically new. Finally, they create an outfit made to measure their models, inspired by their favourite Christmas number one.
“As always, the celebrities were really, really good fun. They all gave it a good go and made good stuff. Their standard was.
.. average.
A couple had done a bit of sewing. Charlotte had done.