Delivery based scams are on the rise as Black Friday approaches, as experts warn shoppers to stay wary of fake delivery failure notifications. Black Friday sales are set to start for November 29th - though many are already underway - marking the start of the holiday shopping season as those who want to manage their budgets this Christmas start their purchasing early to take advantage of great deals. Experts say scammers will be upping their game over the course of and ahead of the shopping event, making it more important to be aware of the signs of bogus messages.
Read more: Deals of the week: Aldi's bargain heated airer, Stanley cup discount plus budget Christmas toys Read more: Deals of the week: Free €195 beauty box, 50% off Halloween decorations and the best advent calendars Black Friday sees a major spike in both shopping and scam activities, with a 22% increase in fraud losses reported. Ahead of Black Friday, experts are warning shoppers to stay extra vigilant, as scammers will be increasing their efforts. Mike Epifani, Brand Content Manager at Bonus.
com , says: "Scams are becoming more advanced, with fraudsters using increasingly sophisticated techniques to trick customers this Black Friday and Cyber Monday ." "Consumers are eager to find the best discounts during Black Friday. This heightened urgency makes people less cautious and more likely to click on links or enter personal information without checking the source, increasing vulnerability to scams.
" "Black Frida.