The BJP on Monday accused the Congress of running a smear campaign against Union home minister Amit Shah following allegations that his remarks in the Rajya Sabha insulted Dr B.R. Ambedkar.
The ruling party said that instead of engaging in ‘drama’, the Congress should apologise for always “insulting and humiliating” Ambedkar. The saffron party also accused the Congress of using out of context a small portion of Shah’s recent speech in the Rajya Sabha in a bid to establish its political identity. “The Congress, which always insulted B.
R. Ambedkar, is holding press conferences across the country. Stop this drama.
Stop this hypocrisy,” senior BJP leader and former Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said in a press conference at the party headquarters. “First of all, publicly apologise and then hold press conferences,” said Prasad. He also said that the people of the country were very mature and the Opposition party’s efforts will not succeed.
“The Congress party’s recent show of admiration for Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar is nothing but a hollow drama. The Congress’ past actions completely contradict their current stance,” said the BJP leader. Prasad said the BJP would hold press conferences around the country to “expose” the Congress by telling people how the party and its leaders insulted Ambedkar.
“We have all the proof,” he added. The BJP leader also slammed Congress general secretary K.C.
Venugopal for describing as a “badge of honour” the FIR.