
One keyword that Dr Bisi Stephen Onasanya, the chairman of The Address Homes Limited and the former Group Managing Director of First Bank is generally known for is that you can take his words to the Bank and that is why he is dubbed Mr Integrity by his friends, family, pro­fessional colleagues, asso­ciates and acquaintances. So when a man known for his reserved nature added another year on Sunday, August 18, 2024, despite his preference for a low-key celebration and no-party affair, his 63rd birthday turned into a lively affair as family, friends, and asso­ciates gathered at his Ikoyi residence to honour the quintessential gentleman and mentor to many. Reputed for his humili­ty and quietude, Onasanya had hoped to mark the occa­sion without much fanfare.

However, as a figure with a towering presence in the finance, banking, and real estate sectors, it was in­evitable that those whose lives he had touched would seize the opportunity to cel­ebrate him. The gathering, though informal, was a testament to the deep respect and admiration he commands. Colleagues from his illustri­ous banking career, where he served as the GMD of First Bank from 2009 to 2015 impactful and illustrious service, joined forces with business partners, and fam­ilies to felicitate with a man many regard as a beacon of integrity, selflessness, kind­ness and professionalism.

The dignitaries that attended the event in­clude Akin Fanimokan, a non-executive Director and former Chief Operating Of­ficer of First Bank; Otun­ba Yemi Lawal, real estate guru and the Chairman of Seagul Properties; former Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun and her husband, Niyi Adeosun; and Mr Dayo Adeola, Managing Director, Touchdown trav­els, Onasanya’s childhood friend. Others are Mrs Oladun­joye – National Commis­sioner, National Population Commission; and Steve Ayorinde, a former Com­missioner for Informa­tion and Strategy in Lagos State. Managing directors and top executives of many banks and financial institu­tions among other eminent Nigerians from all walks of life were part of the joyful event.

Funke Onasanya, his wife of close to four de­cades, children and grand­children, were on the ground to take care of ev­eryone. Onasanya, who became a Chartered accountant at 22, is widely credited with steering First Bank through challenging eco­nomic times and setting it on a path of sustained growth, innovation, and reinvention. He is deservedly called the father of the Modern First Bank because of the way he guided the institu­tion through evolution.

During his tenure, Ona­sanya introduced several initiatives that revolution­ised the bank’s operations, including the expansion of digital banking services and the strengthening of corporate governance. His leadership style, characterized by a focus on customer satisfaction and staff welfare, earned him widespread respect within the financial industry and beyond. At First Bank Nigeria Limited where he held di­verse portfolios before he was appointed Group Man­aging Director, he coordi­nated the bank’s Century 2 Enterprise Transformation Project, widely acknowl­edged as one of the most important phases of the bank’s early transforma­tion initiatives in response to an increasingly com­petitive financial services landscape.

A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, a Member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria, and an Associate Member of the Nigerian Institute of Tax­ation, Onasanya has served as a member of the Char­tered Institute of Bankers’ Sub-Committee on Fiscal & Monetary Policies, and of the Presidential Committee on Reduction of Interest Rates. It’s therefore unsurpris­ing how he midwived The Address Homes Limited into becoming one of the leading outfits in the real estate sector in Africa with­in a short period, spear­heading projects that are redefining luxury living. Despite the unexpected turnout, the celebration remained a reflection of Onasanya’s personality— warm, understated, yet filled with genuine affec­tion.

Attendees shared sto­ries and memories about not just his professional accomplishments but also his character as a mentor, philanthropist, and family man. Mr Fanimokan while eulogising Onasanya de­scribed him as “my friend, my boss, a mentor and a helper. A thoroughbred professional who served with passion and integrity; I worked closely with him as his subordinate at First Bank and can testify to his professionalism compas­sion and his legacy continues to inspire a new generation of bankers and leaders.

” Otunba Lawal added, “I wish Dr Onasanya a more prosperous years ahead. His impactful life has been beneficial to mankind espe­cially because of his phil­anthropic gestures towards many individuals and insti­tutions. I pray that God will grant him long life and sound health to continue to render more service to humanity.

” Mr Mike Dada, a law­yer and techpreneur, the Executive Producer of the All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA, was one of the people who celebrated Ona­sanya. The celebrator is the Pa­tron of AFRIMA, the pre­mier music award in Africa in partnership with the Af­rican Union and Dada, on behalf of the institution, celebrated the economist. He said, “Happy birth­day to an exceptional lead­er and Patron of Music and Arts for youth develop­ment.

On this special day, we celebrate his tireless dedication to promoting African music and culture through his AFRIMA Pa­tron role. His passion and commitment to empower­ing artists and showcasing the continent’s rich talent have made a lasting impact. May this new year bring him joy, fulfilment, and continued success.


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