MUMBAI: Bhumi Pednekar recently took to social media to share her stunning selfies. On Monday, the ‘Bala’ actress took to her Instagram handle and posted a series of her glamorous photos where she is seen posing candidly for the camera. Alongside the pictures, she wrote, “Selfie Game Going #Monday.
” In the images, Bhumi is seen striking different poses. The photos show the actress donning chic dresses with her makeup and hairdo game on point. In some of the clicks, she turned up the heat by flaunting her cleavage in stylish outfits.
Of late, the ‘Dum Laga Ke Haisha’ actress has been dropping her beautiful photos on the photo-sharing app. Meanwhile, Pednekar recently appeared on Kusha Kapila’s show “Tinder Swipe Ride” where she talked about the key qualities she seeks in a partner. The actress Bhumi Pednekar also revealed what she values most in a relationship, highlighting that true beauty is reflected in how a person treats others.
When asked about the qualities she seeks in a partner, she shared, “I think at this point I truly want somebody who is kind, who is good to people around them, and is proud of what I am doing. I think it’s so important for your partner to find pride in your achievements.” The ‘Bhakshak’ actress also shared a refreshing take on dating, stressing the importance of staying authentic, taking things at your own pace, and enjoying the journey.
In terms of work, Bhumi’s latest project was the crime thriller “Bhakshak”, i.