
Pants, undies, banana hammocks, snake slingers...

however you refer to them, they’re undeniable essentials, the fabric fig leaf we reach for upon rising from our slumber. You may think the question of underwear is simple, but the right pair requires some thought. There are several factors to consider: first, body shape – if you have large thighs, you’ll probably favour briefs to give you more room and freedom of movement.

Next up, is material feel and breathability, in which case boxers offer an appealing prospect. Of course, the hybrid boxer-brief style covers all bases. The more slender or gym-honed may prefer a trunk style.

These are shorter and more suited for wearing under skinny jeans and slim-cut trousers, proving that you should pair your pants with your exterior apparel accordingly. After all, no one wants VPL (visible pants line) or an irritating waistband that rubs against your belt or skin. And yes, we’re all thinking it when perusing the shelves of infinite options: how quick and convenient is the ‘release hatch’ when nature inevitably calls? It’s time to sling out your knackered old pairs and revitalise your top drawer with decent pants to go the distance.

To help, we’ve created an edit of the very best men’s underwear brands, across all price points, that will leave you feeling like an oiled-up David Beckham in mood lighting and offer an array of styles and materials to support you all day long. Price code See our edit below.

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