
While I love pretty pastels, darker plants in burgundy tones have always intrigued me. They channel a glamorous, gothic appeal that feels slightly different from the norm. Plus, they create a real statement when cut and brought indoors.

Whether you want to add contrast and depth to a garden color scheme, are planning a new container display , or fancy introducing some new cutting garden flowers to your plot, burgundy picks will provide plenty of drama. There are, perhaps surprisingly, lots of options to choose from. It isn't just flowers that showcase this sumptuous hue – there are trees and even ornamental grasses that suit this palette, too.

Below, you'll find five fabulous varieties, alongside expert insights and practical care tips. 'Queen of Night' tulips offer rich color in spring Embrace the dark side by adding this sultry, on-trend shade to your yard – it works particularly well alongside contrasting cream or white flowers . 1.

Chocolate Cosmos These sun-loving plants are perennial in warmer climates Chocolate cosmos ( Cosmos atrosanguineus ) make a gorgeous addition to a cutting garden . 'These are shorter than other cut flower cosmos, but at 30 inches, still give you plenty of stem length,' says Nicole Dillon , the owner of Breemar Flower Farm. 'I’d pair chocolate cosmos with marigolds for a beautiful fall arrangement.

' While annual cosmos are one of the easiest flowers to grow from seed , chocolate cosmos are usually grown from tubers and will come back year .

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