
The Herald Travel’s annual search for New Zealand’s best beaches is under way again and the competition is hot: Will fan-favourite Ōhope retain the crown? Or will an underdog rise to the challenge? Our readers have been busy nominating their favourite slices of paradise in five key categories, with our top 50 finalists unveiled on Sunday. We’ll be profiling the top 10 in each of the five categories over the next week: yesterday we took a look at Best Family Beach , and today, we’re riding the waves over to Best Surf Beach . So what criteria does New Zealand’s best surf beach need to tick? Not only should it be a primo spot for swells and “hanging ten”, this destination should ideally appeal to non-surfers, too.

Think wild waves and a picturesque coastline for other beach-goers to enjoy, whether that be an uninterrupted stretch of sand for long walks or picture-perfect views for picnickers or sunbathers. Bay of Plenty paradise Ōhope, which was crowned Best Family Beach 2024 , has secured three nominations this year, including for Best Surf Beach . With a solid reputation for safety, this pōhutukawa-framed coastline is characterised by an 11km stretch of shimmering white sand.

Sources say the surf is best at the west end, although the beach break conditions can be variable..

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