
As 2024 draws to a close, it's hard to believe how many years have passed since chatbots first became a staple on the internet. These chatbots have captivated interest by offering various user-friendly features, improving lives, and saving money. Chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Gemini have become an integral part of many people's daily lives.

They have helped users become more productive and reduce time spent on lengthy processes. They have also been valuable for generating inspiration, creating mood boards, and more. With this in mind, I will list the top 10 AI tips you should check out right now as we head into 2025 and beyond.

Also Read: ChatGPT rolls out new Projects feature to organise AI interactions- Know how it works 1. Use ChatGPT for fashion recommendations You can upload your own images and ask ChatGPT to provide its own text-based feedback. We found an interesting use case where submitting our own photos led to useful suggestions for fashion tips and additions.

This is a surprisingly useful technique. Similarly, you can use it for interior design recommendations as well. 2.

Summarise emails in Gmail Google has integrated Gemini support in Gmail, allowing you to summarise emails. This is a fantastic feature for anyone who regularly checks their emails, as it helps you read emails faster—especially for those that aren't particularly important. You can find the "Summarise this email" button just below the subject when you open an email.

3. Ask Gemini to quiz you I.

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