
The internet has been buzzing with the ‘rat girl summer’ and ‘hot rodent’ trends, which have gained significant popularity on platforms such as TikTok. ‘Rat girl summer’, coined by Lola Kolade, encourages embracing carefree and whimsical behaviour inspired by the energy of rodents. Participants are encouraged to go outside, enjoy food without guilt, kill their inner cringe, and make impulsive decisions, reflecting a playful and spontaneous lifestyle.

Simultaneously, the ‘hot rodent’ trend, describing actors such as Timothée Chalamet and Josh O’Connor, aims to celebrate less conventional, more relatable physical features, moving away from narrow Western beauty standards. The trend has been praised for its efforts to broaden the attractiveness spectrum, challenging restrictive beauty standards and offering a more diverse representation of what is considered appealing. The fashion aspect of the trend, thrifting and finding unique vintage clothing items —encourages a playful approach to style, embodying the resourcefulness and creativity associated with the ‘sexy rat’ aesthetic.

Both trends reflect a cultural shift towards inclusivity and celebrating diverse looks. So, what is its Irish equivalent? After much consideration (at least half an hour), I came up with ‘wet mat summer’. Unlike ‘hot rat’, this not about getting out of the house.

It’s about looking out the window while you make the best of your indoor dry surroundings. There are five main components. No.

1: Toilet Tea Picture this: you’re sitting on the toilet with a cup of tea in hand and the door locked while the Third World War rages outside in the form of your kids fighting over the TV remote. The porcelain throne becomes your fortress of solitude, your sanctuary of sanity. You sip your tea, which has gone lukewarm but still feels like a warm hug in this moment of peace.

Who knew the bathroom could double as a café? “Dad’s in the loo again,” they’ll whisper, knowing you’re hiding from their chaos. Sure, it’s not glamorous, but in the grand scheme of wet mat summer, it’s practically a spa day. No.

2: Clothes Wishing Ah, the summer wardrobe from Penneys is still in pristine condition because you only have two days to wear those new shorts before the eternal Irish drizzle sets in. You wistfully stare at them, wondering if you’ll ever get to break them out again before the leaves turn brown. Meanwhile, you’re back in your winter coat, feeling like you’ve been transported straight from June to November.

But hope springs eternal. Maybe next week you’ll get a chance to wear them, if only for an hour before the clouds inevitably roll in. No.

3: Drawer Hope You embark on a treasure hunt through your drawers in the spirit of keeping the kids entertained without the internet. Will something here distract them for half an hour? You find old batteries, single socks, and manuals for appliances you no longer own. Then, jackpot! A forgotten pack of crayons and a colouring book with most of its pages ripped out that you got free with a Supermacs meal five years ago.

For a fleeting moment, you’re the hero, and peace is restored. But alas, as the crayons are broken and the book is scribbled on within minutes you’re back to drawer-diving, hoping the next find will buy you more time. No.

4: “What’s It Like There” Phone Calls Nothing quite captures the essence of wet mat summer, like calling your relatives who are holidaying in Spain. “What’s the weather like?” you ask, secretly hoping they’ll say it’s raining. When they respond with tales of sunshine and warmth, you smile and say, “That’s lovely!” while gazing out at the relentless grey sky.

No. 5: Belly Beautiful So, the ‘summer body’ didn’t quite happen, but who cares? Wet mat summer is all about embracing what you’ve got. Your belly is a testament to all the excellent food, and even better times you’ve had.

Forget abs; it’s all about that well-fed look that says, “I’ve enjoyed myself”. Whether it’s a few extra slices of toast slathered in butter or an extra helping of stew, you own it. A summer indoors hiding from the rain is the perfect excuse to indulge a little.


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