The Pilot Network Co-Founder and Delta Boeing 737 pilot, Jason Depew, unfortunately passed away on November 4 following a cardiac arrest. Depew, who, according to JonNYC, had been running, experienced the cardio event while running. Depew had been a major force behind the Delta Air Lines Pilots Association (DALPA) podcast Engage.
Jason would bring difficult conversations to the forefront and look to strengthen bonds between varying pilots. During his tenure, he sought to transform the industry and ensure authenticity, compassion, and warmth. Pilot Math Treasure Bath Depew was also the brains behind the published book Pilot Math Treasure Bath.
His story was about being a pilot, the opportunities working in the industry, and how earning more money than many other professions has its upsides and downsides. Pilot Math was the book that looked to provide a lasting impact and set want-to-be pilots on track to achieve amazing goals. Grounded by weather or passing time at cruise? Here are five must-read books for every aviation enthusiast's library.
Get all the latest airline route news right here Playing sports near the airport Reading through Depew's bio, Jason was born in 1980. Throughout his younger years, he was easily distracted when playing sports, as the fields were located on the outskirts of an airport. Jason joined the US Air Force and flew more than 300 combat missions in Afghanistan (among other places).
Following his retirement from the forces, Depew started flying for .