
Ritu Kumar is an artist who is bringing the rich and diverse culture of India to America through her art, while shaping the contemporary Indian art scene one step at a time. She uses an array of tools, techniques, and processes in creating her art in a variety of mediums, ranging Oil, Acrylic, Watercolors, Resins, on Canvas, wood or mirror giving diverse perspectives, a new meaning through both conventional & unconventional treatment. Here's an excerpt of an exclusive interaction with her.

Do you feel being an artist is more challenging than having a regular job? Ritu: The last time I felt that way was during a particularly challenging commission where the client was very demanding and critical. It made me question if the stress was worth it. However, when I see my husband and others around me, tied to a schedule and hear their stories, I feel so lucky.

I am doing what I am passionate about, working on my own schedule, and every opportunity to create new artwork comes with excitement. The icing on the cake is when I get appreciation from buyers, friends, and family. In these moments, the idea of a regular job evaporates.

Tell us more about your artistic journey. Ritu: I am a self-trained artist, born and raised in India. I began painting around the age of 10, participating in intra and inter-school competitions where I gained recognition.

The support from my family and these early successes fueled my passion for painting. However, the pressures of higher education took precedence, and I painted only sporadically. My second chance came when I got married and moved to the United States.

With my spouse's support, I reignited my passion for painting and decided to go commercial, establishing my brand and Art studio - RituHandMadeArts. Thanks to e-commerce platforms like Etsy and social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, I have been able to establish a successful art studio. This entrepreneurial venture allows me to follow my dreams and keep my passion alive.

As a mother of two, balancing family and art has been a constant struggle. However, now that my children have grown up, I have more time to paint and pursue my dream. I use oils, acrylics, and any materials I can find.

Today, RituHandMadeArts studio is a well-recognized brand, with over thousands of paintings created in various styles. Did you always want to be an artist? Tell us about your journey. Ritu: I can tell from my experience that making a career as an artist/creative person is very challenging, it is a long journey, requires a lot of patience & perseverance.

When I started my studio, very quickly realized selling art is so difficult, a lot of competition, no pre-defined path to success, many a times frustration creeped and felt like leaving it. I am lucky to have a very supportive family around me, who helped me get past these difficult times and helped me stay put on the path and brought me where I am today. My journey is far from over, but I have learned that patience is the key to overcoming obstacles.

Each challenge I have faced made me stronger and more determined. The appreciation she receives for her work is a constant reminder that staying true to my passion was the right choice I hope my journey inspires other artists to not give up, to believe in their vision, and to keep creating, no matter how tough the road may seem. What were you like growing up? Ritu: I grew up in a large joint family and extended family back in India and it was all fun and huge impact on my personality as I like to be around friends & family.

I loved painting, also participated in many sports at school & college level. My art many ways is reflection of experiences and observations of my growing up in Patna specially all the folklores, mythology, mysticism of Hinduism. What’s the most rewarding aspect of being an artist? Following my passion and getting paid to be creative is incredibly rewarding.

I love bringing ideas to the canvas, trying new styles, and receiving appreciation for my work. Knowing that my paintings are part of people's lives around the world, adding color and beauty, fills me with gratitude and pride. Being creative has also given me the opportunity to serve my community in both the USA and India.

I have contributed by donating my paintings for fundraising events for noble causes..

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