
BIG SKY — Encountering 90 hikers and a dozen dogs on the Beehive Basin Trail late on the afternoon of July 4 emphasized the popularity of paths in the greater Bozeman region. It's easy to see why the route is well used. It starts close to Big Sky Resort's mountain village and the climb is fairly gradual.

Also, the alpine views are incredibly beautiful. The route begins at almost 8,000 feet, climbing over the next 3 miles to an elevation of about 9,280 feet to reach the basin and a small lake. The first portion of the trail is an easement through private property, requiring folks to stay on the trail.

About halfway up, hikers enter the Custer Gallatin National Forest. Shortly afterward, there's a rocky ridge providing a view back to Lone Mountain. This can be a good turnaround point for youngsters, as well as a prime picnic or photo-op spot.

From that point on the trail stays fairly close to a stream draining from snow that, although July, still clung to the mountain cirque. That wee bit of white attracted several skiers who were excited to point out they had skied the 4th of July couloir on the Fourth of July. The route didn't look long, maybe a couple 100 yards at most.

The trail stairsteps up for the final third of the hike, each hill falsely looking like it may be the last, before reaching the bowl below a segment of the Spanish Peaks. Just before the last two hills, a sign notifies hikers they've entered the Lee Metcalf Wilderness Area. The trail is situated in a narrow valley, bordered by cliffs and a ridgeline.

Large meadows feature a variety of wildflowers, depending on the time of year. This is also a popular location for backcountry skiers in the winter. To get to the trailhead, go past the turnoff to the resort about 1.

3 miles to the Beehive Basin Road, located on the right. Take that all the way to the parking area. The amount of people, the surrounding homes, construction and ski lifts give this hike a very different vibe, but everyone we encountered — from states around the nation judging by license plates — was friendly and happy to be out.

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