
A bloated stomach , poor blood circulation and fluid retention are common woes for many women—particularly in the summer months, and as we get older. After the age of 35, we progressively lose muscle mass in a process called sarcopenia . I’m 42, I have a job that involves sitting for long hours in front of the computer, along with poor circulation that’s made worse by sitting for long periods.

I also have varicose veins. Throw heat and humidity into the mix, and it’s no wonder that I experience fluid retention and bloating. The daily morning habit I stick to religiously Once I turned 40, I started experimenting with different treatments in an effort to help relieve my symptoms.

After much trial and error, I landed on one that I managed to make into a habit, and guess what? It works. Dry brushing —thank you Gwyneth Paltrow for bringing it to my attention—with a horsehair glove or a wooden brush. I brush for a couple of minutes before getting into the shower, whilst my skin is dry.

I started by using circular movements, but therapist Débora López Jurado, from The Beauty Concept , suggests an easier and more effective technique, using quick, straight upwards movements (not circular), in the direction of the heart. “By using this technique, blood circulation improves and retained liquids are better drained. In addition, this type of upward massage is also beneficial for the muscles, because what we want is to lift them.

” She also insists that for massages to be effective, you must exert a certain pressure on the body. Doing this every morning has not only relieved my swelling, it’s also revitalised my skin, and had an energising effect on me overall. 3 more habits to adopt When it comes to wellness, it’s not about making drastic changes to your routine, rather small tweaks that, with repetition, offer great results, and crucially, are easy to maintain over time.

Here are some other habits that have helped me to banish bloating this summer. This story first appeared in British Vogue ..

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