
Summer should be spent at the lake with family, not worrying about rising expenses. However, after eight years under the current provincial government, the cost of living has skyrocketed, making life increasingly unaffordable for most British Columbians. Grocery prices alone have soared by over 30%, forcing a record number of families to rely on food banks just to get by.

With the highest gas prices and taxes in North America and the most expensive rental and housing markets in the country, B.C. has become the least affordable province in Canada.

Summertime brings its own unique set of financial challenges. Families are facing rising costs at every turn, whether it’s higher gas prices for road trips, inflated grocery bills for summer barbecues or the expenses of keeping kids entertained while school is out. With half of British Columbians living just $200 away from financial ruin, these extra costs are more than just an inconvenience—they’re a crisis.

Yet, instead of providing relief, this government continues to add to the burden. Since taking office, they’ve imposed 33 new or increased taxes that are draining the wallets of everyday British Columbians, and it’s only expected to get worse. Our BC United caucus believes that during a cost-of-living crisis, government should be taking less from the pockets of hardworking people—not more.

You cannot tax your way to affordability. That is why Kevin Falcon is ready to implement the largest middle-class tax cut in B.C.

history. Under our plan, we will eliminate provincial income tax on the first $50,000 earned by every British Columbian. This would completely eliminate provincial income tax for 60% of people and put an extra $2,050 per year back into the pockets of British Columbians.

This tax cut will mean higher paycheques every single month, ensuring that our children, nurses, doctors and families can once again afford to live in our province again. In addition to this, our BC United Caucus has a comprehensive plan to permanently eliminate the provincial fuel tax, saving drivers up to $30 per fill-up. We will also scrap the carbon tax on home heating fuel, ensuring families can afford to stay warm during the colder months.

Summertime in B.C. should be about enjoying our beautiful province, not worrying about how to pay the next bill.

Our BC United Caucus is committed to providing real relief for British Columbians..

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