
Steven Rainey from Dundonald underwent biological therapy at the Ulster Hospital as part of his psoriasis treatment that significantly transformed his life. Diagnosed with the chronic skin condition nearly 20 years ago, Steven has navigated a complex and often difficult path in managing his psoriasis, which affects millions of people worldwide. Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Belfast News Letter, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more.

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition that results in the rapid build-up of skin cells, leading to scaling on the skin’s surface. Inflammation and redness around the scales are fairly common. Psoriasis can affect not just the skin, but also joints and it has a significant impact on the quality of life.

Biological therapy is a very effective treatment, it works by targeting specific cells in the immune system to block the inflammation underlying psoriasis. Reflecting on his experience, Steven recalls the moment it all began. "I first discovered I had psoriasis in my early 20s.

It all started when I got into the shower one morning and looked at my body, I felt something wasn't quite right. I contacted my GP, who provided me with creams and lotions, but these did not seem to make a difference." Advertisement Advertisement Despite trying numerous treatments, Steven endured years of flare-ups, hoping the condition would eventually subside.

"I just silently endured it, thinking it would go away on its own. However, as the years passed, the condition worsened. About seven years ago, it just got too much.

I could not cope with the irritation and anxiety anymore, so my GP referred me to the Dermatology Team at the Ulster Hospital for further treatment. I tried steroids, tablets, sprays and light therapy, but there was no real improvement. "I am so aware it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, everyone is different! I commenced on the biological treatment, which, for me, really made a difference.

Almost immediately, I could see a massive improvement in my skin. " I was managing my expectations of the treatment, but it exceeded everything I was anticipating. With biologics, the reaction was incredible, to see my skin improving each day in a way that I could never have imagined was transformative.

I was a different person." Advertisement Advertisement Steven added: “The staff were incredible throughout the treatment process and providing support. With psoriasis, there is an emotional element that affects your self-confidence and increases anxiety levels.

The team really helped me on this journey, especially during some dark points, they made a difference." Ulster Hospital Specialty Doctor in Dermatology, Dr Claire Hunter, explained: "Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition caused by over-activity of the immune system. This explains why, broadly speaking, medications to treat moderate to severe psoriasis work by suppressing the immune system.

"There are many factors that contribute to psoriasis such as genetic, environmental and immunological. The condition can have a significant impact on physical and emotional well-being. “Psoriasis often appears as well-defined red, scaly “plaques” around the elbows, knees, buttocks but can be widespread over the body.

Treatment can range from topical steroid creams, to tablets, light therapy and biological therapy. Advertisement Advertisement “It is very important that psoriasis patients do not treat themselves through the use of sunbeds. The light therapy used in the hospital environment is different.

Sunbeds increase the risk of skin cancer and ageing.” Steven is urging others who are struggling with the condition to seek help. "For those going through a similar journey, reach out, get advice, speak to your GP.

For years, I suffered in silence, so when I managed to speak out and discuss the issues and the treatments on offer, it made me realise I didn't have to carry this burden around on my own all day, every day, for the rest of my life. You are not on your own, there is help out there. “The impact of the treatment was life-changing.

Living with psoriasis for so long, then seeing it disappear, knowing that I was able to roll my sleeves up again, wear clothes I hadn’t been able to for a long time. I will never forget the impact that had on me emotionally.” If you require advice or support on Psoriasis, contact your GP or for further information, visit www.


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