Natalie Quarry joined the cast of the beloved BBC drama Call The Midwife for its 13th series, taking on the role of student nurse Rosalind. Now a qualified nurse, she's set to appear in this year's festive double episode, bringing care to the residents of Poplar. Moving into Nonnatus House alongside newcomer Joyce (played by Renee Bailey), Natalie's character is quickly immersed in the show's signature birth scenes.
"During my first birth there was a gun involved, it was a lot," Natalie shared with OK! earlier this year. "It was my second week of filming and truly was a baptism of fire, for me as well as Ros. Helen [George, who plays Trixie] knows so much about doing the births so I leant on her a lot of the time.
" A self-confessed fan of Call The Midwife since her teenage years, Natalie described joining the show as a surreal. "I watched it with my family. So it's such a weird , like, full circle moment to come and actually be in the show.
" Although the Christmas episodes and her first series are set in 1969, Natalie's hopes for swinging sixties fashion were dashed due to her character's more understated style. "Ros, she's quite a plain girl and at first I was disappointed that I didn’t get to wear certain things," Natalie admitted. "Like Nancy's got all of the sixties clothes and Ros doesn’t.
But she does have a really nice, preppy girly way of dressing that suits her." While Rosalind, played by Natalie, hasn't had any romantic storylines yet in the show, fans are rooti.