
Bauchi State chapter of the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) has expressed shock and outrage at what it described as the latest act of extravagance by the state governor, Sen Bala Mohammed. The PRP in a statement by its state Secretary, Abdulazeez Haruna, observed that the governor had deemed it fit to lavishly spend state funds on exotic multimillion-naira SUVs for the six first-class Emirs in the state, while the majority of residents struggle to survive in poverty and hunger . According to PRP, “This is an egregious display of callousness and disregard for the welfare of the people who elected him into office.

At a time when many residents of Bauchi State are struggling to put food on their tables, the governor has chosen to prioritise luxury and indulgence for the privileged few.” The party added that,”The people of Bauchi State are crying out for relief from the economic hardship and hunger that have become the norm in the state, but instead, they are being met with lavish displays of wealth and power.” “We condemn this flagrant waste of public funds and call on Governor Bala Mohammed to account for his actions.

The people of Bauchi State deserve better than to be governed by someone who prioritises the pampering of a few at the expense of the many,” It stressed. READ ALSO: PRP disagrees with Tinubu over increased revenue comments The PRP then demanded to know what has driven the governor to prioritise such spending over the pressing needs of his constituents. It asked,”Are the people of Bauchi State expected to be content with the fact that they are living in poverty and hunger while their leaders are living large?” The PRP called on the governor to redirect his attention to addressing the critical needs of the people, including food security, healthcare, education, and job creation.

The PRP also demanded transparency in the management of public funds and called on the governor to provide an accounting of how these SUVs were procured and at what cost stressing that the people of Bauchi State have a right to know how their money is being spent. According to the PRP, “We will continue to hold our leaders accountable for their actions and decisions. We will not rest until the people of Bauchi State receive the fair and just treatment they deserve.

” By: Yemi Kanji Opinions Balanced, fearless journalism driven by data comes at huge financial costs. As a media platform, we hold leadership accountable and will not trade the right to press freedom and free speech for a piece of cake. If you like what we do, and are ready to uphold solutions journalism, kindly donate to the Ripples Nigeria cause.

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