
A young family says they're caught between a home rental company and a colony of bats. They just moved from Mobile to Montevallo into a home they say is infested with bats. Now they say they're having a hard time getting the rental company to acknowledge the issue.

A lot of bats are now living in this beautiful Montevallo home. They're hanging out now in the soffits, you can even hear them chittering if you listen closely. A young family from mobile rented the home after a virtual tour, but everything got a little bat guano crazy as soon as they moved in.

The bats have taken up residence in the home this family rented sight unseen. They say they realized there was a problem just after the first night in the house. Nathan Sedgeway said, “They’re hanging out literally surrounding the whole perimeter of the house.

” After a call to a pest control company, they learned how dangerous the spores from bat guano can be to people and pets. Sedgeway said, “That was my son's room right there. So, to me, he's literally sitting underneath all these.

And this is a safety hazard. I'm not going to sit here and have my family sit in this out and breathing this in.” So, they loaded up all their belongings into a moving truck and went to a hotel.

That was almost a week ago. Since then, they say they've tried everything they can to reach their rental company to deal with the infestation. Emily Burns said, “We called, I emailed Friday and said, we need this bat thing under control.

No response. I just assumed it was because the weekend we called her, we called three other people we had been in contact with the emergency line on the website. No, nothing.

” They say they've also learned what it takes to get these protected animals out of a house and more importantly get all the dangerous bat droppings out. They say even if that is done, they're not willing to live here, so they want out of their lease and their money returned. Burns said, “We’ve been searching all week for a new house.

We're having trouble getting approved because we're still on an active lease here for a year. We just need a new home.”.

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