
In ancient Rome, the dining habits of its citizens varied significantly based on social class. While the wealthy dined luxuriously at home, the poor often lacked basic cooking facilities in their apartments. As a result, they frequented local bars and eateries known as tabernae , popinae, cauponae, and thermopolia.

These establishments served as essential venues for the lower classes to access hot meals and wine. Despite their varied names and slight differences in function, these places were hubs of social activity, offering both food and drink, and sometimes doubling as inns or brothels. Spectacular 2000-Year-Old Pompeii Food Stall Reopens for Business! Excavations Reveal that the Oldest Roman Tavern Nourished and Served Ancient Life The excavations at Pompeii , Herculaneum, and Ostia provide invaluable insights into these establishments.

Pompeii alone housed over 160 tabernae, each typically featuring a counter for service and, in some cases, seating areas for customers. The food quality at these venues was often poor, with greasy meals and the occasional presence of cockroaches. Despite this, Roman bars remained popular, bustling with patrons at all hours.

Bars in ancient Rome also carried a reputation for seediness, especially among the elite, who viewed them as unruly and morally questionable. Nevertheless, these establishments were vital to the social fabric of Rome , offering a gathering place for the masses who had few other options. Top image: A fresco from the thermopolium (hot food stall) of Lucius Vetutius Placidus in the city of Pompeii.

Source: Daniele Florio/ CC BY 2. By Robbie Mitchell News Videos alcohol rome Roman Places Roman Entertainment & Leisure The evolution of fermentation traces back millions of years, intertwined with the dietary habits of our primate ancestors . As they foraged on the forest floor, scavenging fallen fruits, they.

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