
While it might seem like a no-brainer to store bananas in a fruit bowl, this is actually one of the worst places for them . This common mistake can cause your bananas to spoil and turn mushy at an accelerated rate. The culprit? A substance called ethylene gas, which most fruits produce naturally.

This growth hormone helps fruit ripen and develop more flavor. Surprising storage trick that keeps avocados fresh and green for up to two weeks Keep fruit flies out of homes with natural kitchen ingredients However, when too much fruit is piled together, they release excessive amounts of ethylene gas, causing all nearby produce to ripen and rot faster. Bananas , with their short lifespan, are particularly sensitive to ethylene gas and release a lot from their stems.

So, it's best to keep bananas away from other fruits. But there's an exception: citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, which are unaffected by the gas, reports the Express . Experts at Zest Food Service advise against storing bananas with fruits without a protective peel.

They explain: "The ethene which bananas release can affect many other fruits, such as apples and pears, which is why you should keep the bananas separate from these fruits unless you intentionally want to ripen them quicker." Also, avoid storing bananas next to avocados unless you want to speed up their ripening process. The same goes for honeydew, mangos, peaches, and plums.

Eager to keep your bunch of bananas fresher for longer ? Ditch the fruit bowl! .

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