
Friday, August 16, 2024 Between January and July 2024, the Republic of Azerbaijan saw a significant influx of international visitors, with 1,502,700 foreigners or stateless individuals arriving from 182 different countries. This marks a notable increase of 31.4% compared to the same timeframe in the previous year, as reported by APA-Economics, citing the State Statistical Committee.

The data reflects a growing interest in Azerbaijan as a travel destination, with visitors from various regions contributing to this rise. The statistics show that the Russian Federation accounted for the largest portion of visitors, making up 29.2% of the total.

Following Russia, Türkiye was the second-largest source of tourists, representing 16.5% of all international arrivals. Visitors from India and Iran also formed significant groups, with 9.

3% and 8.3% respectively. These numbers indicate a strong presence of travelers from neighboring and regional countries.

Further analysis reveals that Saudi Arabia contributed 4.2% of the total visitors, while Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan followed with 4.0%, 3.

2%, and 2.7% respectively. There was also a noticeable number of tourists from Uzbekistan and the United Arab Emirates, each comprising 1.

7% of the total. China, Ukraine, and Kuwait each accounted for 1.5% and 1.

3% of the visitors, showcasing the diverse origins of Azerbaijan’s tourist population. Additionally, smaller percentages were recorded from Turkmenistan, Israel, Oman, and Belarus, with each contributing between 1.0% and 1.

2% of the total visitors. The remaining 10.7% of tourists came from various other countries around the world.

This wide array of nationalities underscores Azerbaijan’s growing appeal as a global tourist destination. In terms of demographics, the visitor data reveals that 67.1% of the tourists were male, while 32.

9% were female. This gender distribution highlights the diversity among the visitors and provides insights into the different segments of travelers that Azerbaijan attracts. During the first seven months of 2024, Azerbaijan experienced a significant surge in the number of international visitors from various countries compared to the same period in the previous year.

Notably, the influx of tourists from India rose dramatically, with an increase of 2.5 times. South Korea followed closely, with a 2.

3 times increase, and China also saw a substantial rise, with 2.1 times more visitors. Other countries such as Spain and Kazakhstan each saw their visitor numbers grow by 1.

8 times, while Kyrgyzstan recorded a 1.7 times increase. The Philippines and Pakistan also contributed to this upward trend, with their visitor numbers growing by 1.

6 times and 1.5 times, respectively. This impressive growth in tourism was further highlighted by significant percentage increases from several other countries.

For instance, the number of visitors from Jordan surged by 49.7%, and Oman saw a 47.0% increase.

Iran also contributed notably, with a 46.5% rise in its tourist numbers. Saudi Arabia and Italy followed, with increases of 42.

8% and 38.7%, respectively. Other countries such as Yemen, Turkmenistan, and Poland also saw substantial growth, with increases ranging from 33.

0% to 35.9%. The upward trend continued with visitor numbers from Kuwait, Egypt, Uzbekistan, and the USA, all showing significant gains.

Moreover, the influx of tourists from Türkiye, Ukraine, and Germany also showed strong growth, with increases of 19.6%, 20.5%, and 19.

3%, respectively. Tajikistan, the Russian Federation, Bahrain, and France followed with notable percentage increases. Even neighboring countries like Georgia and the United Arab Emirates contributed to the overall rise in tourism, with increases of 11.

8% and 7.5%, respectively. Breaking down the data further, arrivals from the Gulf countries saw a remarkable increase of 39.

6%, reaching 258.8 thousand people. The European Union member states also contributed significantly, with a 28.

0% rise, bringing the total to 57.1 thousand visitors. Additionally, the number of tourists arriving from the CIS countries grew by 20.

5%, reaching 576.1 thousand people, underscoring the broad appeal of Azerbaijan as a travel destination across different regions..

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