
Monday, August 26, 2024 Azerbaijan Airlines showcased new travel opportunities at TAAI Nagpur’s vibrant roadshow, connecting with travel agents to boost industry ties. The Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) Nagpur Chapter recently hosted an engaging roadshow in partnership with Azerbaijan Airlines and its General Sales Agent (GSA), Zeal Global. The event aimed to showcase the airline’s services and foster stronger connections between travel agents and the airline, providing a platform for knowledge sharing and networking.

During the roadshow, Yashasvi Sharma from Zeal Global delivered an informative presentation, highlighting key aspects of Azerbaijan Airlines’ operations. Sharma’s insights offered the attending members valuable information about the airline’s routes, services, and future plans, enriching their understanding of what Azerbaijan Airlines has to offer. The roadshow attracted a strong turnout from the TAAI Nagpur Chapter members, marking the event as a significant success.

The participating members appreciated the opportunity to directly interact with representatives from the airline and Zeal Global, gaining firsthand knowledge that would be beneficial for their clients and businesses. To further elevate the excitement and engagement of the event, the TAAI Nagpur Chapter’s office-bearers, including Chairman Irshad Mehdi, Secretary Ravi Agrawal, and Treasurer Kawaljeet Vij, proposed a special feature to Zeal Global: a lucky draw. This addition created a buzz among attendees, with the winners receiving an enticing prize of a return ticket from Mumbai to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

Overall, the roadshow proved to be a valuable occasion for TAAI members to learn more about Azerbaijan Airlines’ offerings, enhancing their ability to recommend the airline to clients. The event also served as a significant networking opportunity, allowing travel agents to connect with industry professionals, share insights, and explore new collaborations..

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