
When public officials blithely toss off outrageous accusations such as those leveled against the Haitian immigrant community in Springfield, Ohio, the real-world consequences are all too real. Bomb threats against schools and colleges in Springfield affect children, their families and others in that beleaguered community, despite obvious falsehoods. Perhaps it is time for those who have influence in this country to consider what they say more carefully.

In the Jewish tradition, we are urged to avoid “lashon hara,” or evil speech intended to cause harm. Merri Rosenberg , Ardsley, N.Y.

I firmly believe that if Vice President Kamala Harris were running against any Republican other than Donald Trump, she would be soundly defeated. The current situation indicates that it’s going to be an extremely close race, and the news media is doing everything in its power to give Harris every advantage. Two examples cite this unfairness from a supposed bastion of fairness.

In the newspaper was a recent article about an unsavory racist (Lara Loomer) who has closely aligned herself with Trump, even after being disparaged by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. To emphasize the point of unfairness, I have not seen one comment from your editorial board or in any letters to the editor condoning the one-sidedness by the two debate moderators, ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis, when Harris was not fact-checked and never answered the few questions that were put to her.

By the way, was I better off four years ago? You bet your bottom dollar I was. Robert Berg, Boynton Beach Heat is the number one weather-related killer, causing illnesses, increasing workplace accidents and even leading to death. September 2023 was the worst month on record here, and this month is on track to surpass it.

Yet Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Legislature passed a new law (HB 433) to prohibit all heat standards for workers in local Florida jurisdictions. These basic protocols would prevent heat stress, and possibly injury and death, by providing workers with water, 10-minute rest breaks, and any form of training for workers on how to prevent heat illness.

It even prohibits employers from having first aid and emergency response in place to save lives. I’ve been astounded by the cruelty and authoritarian laws passed by this administration but this law, blocking simple humane treatment of human beings, is one I cannot fathom. It shows the depth of degradation to which some of our Florida lawmakers have sunk.

Rosalie Feuer, Boynton Beach I was touched by a poignant speech by the father of Aiden Clark, the 11-year-old boy who died last year in a tragic accident in Springfield, Ohio, when a Haitian immigrant crashed his minivan into Aiden’s school bus. The heartfelt words shared by Aiden’s father are words that we should all try to live by: “In order to live like Aiden, you need to accept everyone, choose to shine, make the difference, lead the way, and be the inspiration.” A beautiful, hopeful message from a grieving father.

At a time when our country seems so broken and divided, we should heed his words and make sure we’re spreading love and forgiveness, rather than hate and fear. Rosemary Blumberg, Plantation You can submit a letter to the editor by senting it by email to [email protected] or by filling out the form below.

Letters are limited to less than 150 words and must be signed (no pseudonyms nor initials).You must include your email address, address with city and daytime phone number for verification. Letters are subject to editing for clarity and length.

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