
Hmetro reporter Award-winning author, Chengeto Mayowe recently launched her children’s book series, which will be translated into 15 languages. Titled ‘The Adventures of Nyenyedzi’, the series consists of five books that will be released over the coming weeks. The book showcases African cultures, traditions, and language promoting pride and self-awareness.

Growing up, Chengeto said, she had never seen herself represented in children’s books, and as a result, she wanted to create something that children could relate to. “The series is for children aged 0-10 years and I wrote it after little children kept asking me to write books for them. “I am so glad I listened to the children and the Creator because I had a little girl who told me she wanted to write a story but was scared.

“Another one told me she is Nyenyedzi because Nyenyedzi looks like her and is so pretty, a small boy told me he wanted to be like the twins in my book. “The children were vocal but in the best way all because they saw themselves in my book,” she said. The award-winning author said the series is also about a little girl who loves reading.

“This is for the little girl who loved to read but never saw any of her names in books growing up. “She never found her name on a keychain, never saw someone, who looked like her in a nice story so she thought she couldn’t possibly be beautiful. “That girl grew up and is now ensuring little boys and girls see themselves positively in what they read and in a language they understand.

“The language that makes them who they are. It has not been easy but the smiles of the children made it worth it,” she wrote..

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