
Last Thursday, the 27th President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Augustine Oyarekhua Alegeh, CON, SAN turned 60. His family members and friends turned out in large numbers to felicitate with him, and be a part of the series of activities to mark this milestone. THISDAY LAWYER Team took birthday wishes, from some of his fellow Past NBA Presidents and the President-Elect of the NBA Dame Priscilla Kuye – Happy 60th Birthday, Learned Silk I wish Augustine Alegeh, SAN, a happy 60th birthday.

May God give him long life, in good health, peace and joy. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire and protect you. Amen.

Congratulations. Dame Priscilla Kuye (The 17th President) O.C.

J. Okocha, SAN – Wishing Alegeh Joyful Celebration Augustine Alegeh, SAN took the Nigerian Bar Association by storm in the year 2014, when he won the election as President of our once and forever great Association. He was massively supported by the “Midwest Forces”, the Learned Friends from the former Midwest Region of Nigeria.

Austino, as I call him, was an impactful President, and I wish him a happy, happy 60th Birthday Anniversary, and a very, very joyful celebration. O.C.

J. OKOCHA, OFR, SAN, JP, DSSRS (The 19th/ Millennium President) Chief Wole Olanipekun, SAN – Alegeh is Worthy to be Celebrated Augustine Alegeh, SAN is a friend and worthy colleague who has worked with me in a couple of cases, and whose deep knowledge of the law, both adjectival and procedural, I respect. He has a good carriage and decent disposition to fellow colleagues, both juniors and seniors alike.

When he wanted to contest the office of President of the NBA, he sought my support but I plainly informed him that I could and would not give him my nod, for obvious reasons. He understandingly aligned with my ‘brutal frankness’ or unbending position, contested the election and eventually won. Throughout his eventful and rancour- free two year tenure as President of the NBA, he deferred to and gave me unalloyed respect as one of his predecessors-in-office, just as he did to all former Presidents before him.

At a defining moment when the practice of law faced a critical challenge, he, like his immediate predecessor-in-office, beckoned on me to lead the NBA legal team to challenge the prohibitive law. When we succeeded in court, he did not only personally write to appreciate us, he also celebrated us at the AGM. Augustine is not mean, small, petty or vindictive, but mature and dignified.

As his elder, senior and professional colleague, I join the league of his friends and well-wishers, both at home and in the diaspora, in saying Happy 60th Birthday to a jolly good fellow, a distinguished Senior Advocate of Nigeria and respected senior citizen of our country; wishing him bountiful returns of the day. May he be taller and greater than us. And, may the lines continue to fall unto him in pleasant places.

Chief Wole Olanipekun, CFR, SAN (The 20th President) Prince Lanke Odogiyon – Austin, Welcome to the Club of Senior Citizens Congratulations to Austin Alegeh, SAN, Past President of the NBA, as he turns 60. I welcome him to the Club of senior citizens. As a Legal Practitioner, Austin is a very enterprising Lawyer with an extraordinary business sense.

This showed in his tenure as President. I remember his Annual General Conference in Abuja. It was beautiful.

He made money for the Association. I wish him long life, in good health, fulfilment and prosperity. Many happy returns of the day.

Prince Adelanke Odogiyan (The 22nd President) Dr Olisa Agbakoba SAN – Alegeh, Initiator of NBA Universal Suffrage Vote President Alegeh attains a major milestone at 60!!! As one of my successor Presidents, Austin’s major achievement will be remembered as democratising the electoral process of the NBA by the introduction of the universal system of the Vote!!! Kudos, to my dear brother!!!! Dr Olisa Agbakoba, SAN (The 23rd President) Chief J.B. Daudu, SAN – Alegeh is a Trusted and Dependable Bar Leader For one who has given impactful leadership in the Nigerian Bar Association, I can only wish Augustine Alegeh, SAN, my brother and friend, a resounding Happy Birthday as he turns 60.

There is no doubt that he has a lot more to offer his nation, hereafter. Austin, may you continue to wax stronger in strength and good health, in the years ahead. Chief J.

B. Daudu, SAN (The 25th President) A.B.

Mahmoud, SAN – Alegeh Will Continue his Leadership Role Mr Alegeh, past President of the NBA is a very distinguished leader of the Bar. He has made immense contributions to the Nigerian legal profession. I wish him a memorable day, as he clocks 60 years.

I’m confident he will continue his leadership role of the Bar, to uplift the profession and the country. A.B.

Mahmoud, SAN (The 28th President) Paul Usoro, SAN – Augustine Alegeh, SAN @ 60 It’s a joy to celebrate Augustine Alegeh, SAN @ 60. I’ve known Austin for upwards of 20 years, as a colleague and a friend. Indeed, more as a brother, and I say that advisedly.

For those who have Austin in their corner, persons whose back he has, I can testify that Austin is, to paraphrase the Holy Book, a friend who is more than a brother. And, there’re plenty I know whose back he’s always had, through thick and thin. Loyalty and dependability, are his hallmarks and watchwords.

As he marks this milestone age, I wish Austin all the joys and blessings that he wishes himself. By the Almighty’s Grace, laughter and celebrations will be his lot for the rest of his years, and the Lord will grant him length of years to see his tribe multiply multiple folds. Happy birthday, Austin my friend and brother.

God bless and keep you. Many happy returns. Paul Usoro, SAN ( The 29th President) Olumide Osaigbovo Akpata – Alegeh is Like the Rock of Gibraltar Augustine Alegeh, SAN, is not merely an exceptionally successful and talented legal practitioner; he is a truly remarkable human being with a heart of gold.

I’ve always maintained that, he is one of the kindest individuals I’ve had the privilege to know. While he means different things to various people, I regard him as my elder brother and a mentor – a rarity in today’s world. His friendship is as dependable as they come, akin to the steadfast nature of the Rock of Gibraltar.

When he fights in your corner, you can rest assured, for his loyalty is unwavering and his commitment is unshakeable. His integrity and compassion, set him apart in both his professional and personal lives. What truly distinguishes him, is his ability to balance his formidable legal acumen with genuine warmth and approachability.

In an era where success often comes at the cost of personal relationships, he has mastered the art of excelling in his career while nurturing meaningful connections with friends, family, and colleagues. Olumide Osaigbovo Akpata (The 30th President) Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN – He Set New Standards for Excellence Within the NBA I wish Augustine Alegeh, CON, SAN, a resounding, happy birthday. As he marks his sixtieth birthday anniversary, I cannot express my deepest gratitude and admiration for the immense impact he has had in my life and career, as well as on the entire legal profession in Nigeria.

He is an exemplary leader, a dedicated family man, and a true gentleman. My association with Mr Alegeh, began during my tenure as Chairman of the NBA Abuja Branch. I also served ahad the privilege of working closely with him between 2014 and 2016 when I served as General Secretary of the NBA under his leadership as President.

Serving as General Secretary under his visionary tenure as President of the NBA was not only an honour of a lifetime, but a truly transformative experience. His visionary, dynamic and pacesetting leadership remains epochal. His dedication to the principles of justice, unwavering commitment to the rule of law, and tireless efforts to advance the legal profession left an indelible mark on the NBA, and on all of us who had the privilege of working closely with him.

Mr Alegeh led the Bar with vision, dynamism and exceptional skill which resulted in trailblazing innovations, most notably the implementation of universal suffrage for all Lawyers, personalised stamps, automatic insurance cover for Lawyers, completion of the NBA House etc. These landmark changes not only empowered every Lawyer in Nigeria to have a say in choosing the Association’s leadership, but ensured prudential utilisation of funds and enjoyment of tangible benefits by members.A man of principle and tenacity, Augustine Alegeh is unwavering in his fight for what he believes is right.

He is known for his generosity and willingness to help those in need. As he celebrates his 60th birthday, the outpouring of tributes from all corners, and the gathering of well-wishers to honour him are a testament to the impact he has made. His tenure was marked by groundbreaking achievements, that set new standards for excellence within the NBA.

He guided the Association with wisdom and integrity, championing the cause of legal reform and ensuring that the voice of the Nigerian legal community was heard, loud and clear. His leadership not only strengthened the NBA, but also inspired a new generation of Lawyers to aspire to the highest ideals of our noble profession. His 60th birthday is very special to me, as it coincides with a period during when I prepare to take up the mantle of leadership of the NBA.

This means a lot to me, as it also underscores the importance and impact serving under Mr Alegeh had on my life. His friendship and leadership will no doubt have a profound effect on me, as I prepare to assume this responsibility. I will surely be stepping into big shoes, left by him and other past leaders of the Bar.

I pray for God’s grace, to do my very best to be an exemplary leader. The lessons I learnt while serving under his guidance have been invaluable, and they will undoubtedly shape my approach to this new responsibility. His mentorship, support, and encouragement have been a cornerstone of my journey, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

I wish him continued success, good health, and abundant happiness. May the years ahead be filled with joy, peace, and the satisfaction of knowing that his contributions to the legal profession and the broader society, will be remembered and celebrated for years to come. Once again, I wish him a happy birthday.

I thank him for his exemplary leadership, and for the profound impact he has had on my life and the lives of so many others. Warm Regards. Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN President-Elect, NBA.

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