
Friday, August 30, 2024 Auckland Airport holds Kiingi Tuheitia’s leadership and personal contributions in the highest regard. His unwavering support has significantly influenced our airport’s development and success. We are honored to have established a deep and lasting relationship with Kiingi Tuheitia, Te Kiingitanga, and Tainui.

His legacy is a treasured part of the Auckland Airport whānau and will continue to inspire us. Kiingi Tuheitia’s impact reaches far beyond his role as a leader. His dedication to cultural enrichment and community involvement has shaped our vision and practices, making our airport a more welcoming and inclusive place.

His influence is evident in the values and initiatives that define our organization. As we look back on Kiingi Tuheitia’s exceptional contributions, we remain committed to upholding the values he championed. We will continue to strengthen our connections with the community and advance his vision of inclusivity and cultural harmony.

His legacy will remain integral to our mission. Moving forward, Auckland Airport is dedicated to building on the foundation that Kiingi Tuheitia helped to create. We aim to ensure that his vision of a connected, inclusive future endures, combining cultural heritage with innovation to foster a dynamic and forward-thinking environment.


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