
The iconic series, Gossip Girl celebrates its 17th anniversary on September 19, 2024. The series, which premiered on September 19, 2007, followed the "scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite" as they navigated friendships, relationships, and secrets while attending school on the Upper East Side. It became known for its glamorous portrayal of New York City’s high society, along with its juicy drama and iconic fashion moments.

Astrological predictions say the Gossip Girl character embodies the traits of each zodiac sign. Get ready to find out whether you’re a bold Jenny, a loyal Rufus, or a mysterious Blair, all through the lens of astrology! Aries (March 21-April 20) Gossip Girl Character: Jenny Jenny embodies boldness and fearlessness, traits that make her a classic Aries. She's ambitious, competitive, and willing to take risks to achieve her goals, especially in her career and quest for social dominance.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) Gossip Girl Character: Chuck Chuck exudes Tauru's energy, indulging in luxury and taking his time in relationships. His stubbornness and love for the finer things in life, along with his complex relationship with wealth, make him a quintessential Taurus. Gemini (May 21-Jun 21) Gossip Girl Character: Dan Dan, the ultimate Gossip Girl twist, is a classic Gemini.

Known for his quick thinking and dual nature, he has a clever approach to situations and manages to keep his two-sided personality a secret for a long time. Cancer (Jun 22-July 22) Gossip G.

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