
'Constantly comparing yourself will suffocate you and not allow you to be you.' Photo posed Q: I feel like no matter what I do, I can’t meet someone. No one swipes on me on dating apps, and I feel so lonely.

I just spend evenings by myself swiping on so many people, and even if I do match with someone, it doesn’t go anywhere. I can’t even remember the last time I had a date. My friends are either all out on dates every weekend or settling down, so I feel like they don’t get how I feel, and whenever I talk to them, they just tell me to suck it up and keep going.

But they are all really outgoing, attractive people and I don’t have that same confidence, and I don’t think I’m as good-looking as them. They have no problem going up to women and chatting to them, but I always feel so shy and can’t be as smooth as them. How do I break this cycle and meet someone? Dr West replies: Comparing yourself to your friends hasn’t seemed to work out very well so far and has left you more anxious and living by their standards and experiences rather than enjoying your own.

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